Coverage Policy Manual
Policy #: 1998140
Category: Surgery
Initiated: August 2017
Last Review: May 2024
  Vertical Expandable Prosthetic Titanium Rib

Thoracic insufficiency syndrome (TIS) is the inability of the thorax to support normal respiration or lung growth.  It results from serious defects affecting the ribs or chest wall such as severe scoliosis, rib fusion (which may accompany scoliosis), and various hypoplastic thorax syndromes such as Jeune’s syndrome and Jarcho-Levin syndrome. Spine, chest, and lung growth are interdependent. While the coexistence of chest wall and spinal deformity is well documented, their effect on lung growth is not completely understood.
Progressive thoracic insufficiency syndrome includes respiratory insufficiency, loss of chest wall mobility, worsening three-dimensional thoracic deformity, and/or worsening pulmonary function tests. As a child grows, progressive thoracic deformity and rotation toward the concave side occurs with worsening respiratory compromise. This progression is often accompanied by a need for supplemental oxygen and can require mechanical ventilation. While spinal fusion is one approach to treatment, it may not be successful and also may limit growth (lengthening) of the spine.
The vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib (VEPTR, Synthes Spine Co.) is a curved rod placed vertically in the chest that helps to shape the thoracic cavity. It is positioned either between ribs or between the ribs and either the spine or pelvis. VEPTR may be described as “rib based” growth-sparing instrumentation, which is compared with “spine based” growing rods for Cobb angle correction. The device is designed to be expanded every 4 to 6 months as growth occurs and also to be replaced if necessary. Some patients require multiple devices.
Regulatory Status
A VEPTR initially received approval from FDA under a humanitarian device exemption for the treatment of TIS in skeletally immature patients (FDA, 2004). TIS is defined as the inability of the thorax to support normal respiration or lung growth. In 2014, the FDA cleared the VEPTR through the 510(k) process. The
VEPTR/VEPTR II device is indicated for skeletally immature patients with severe, progressive spinal deformities and/or three dimensional deformity of the thorax associated with or at risk of TIS. This would include patients with progressive congenital, neuromuscular, idiopathic, or syndromic scoliosis.
For the purpose of identifying potential TIS patients, categories in which TIS patients fall are as follows:
  • Flail chest syndrome
  • Rib fusion and scoliosis
  • Hypoplastic thorax syndrome, including,
    • Jeune syndrome
    • Achondroplasia
    • Jarcho-Levin syndrome
    • Ellis-van Creveld syndrome
Given the complexity of these procedures and patients, implantation of this device should be performed in specialized centers. Preoperative evaluation requires input from a pediatric orthopedist, pulmonologist, and thoracic surgeon. In addition, preoperative evaluation of nutritional, cardiac, and pulmonary function (when possible) is required.
There is no specific CPT code for this procedure. The procedure would most likely be reported with the unlisted code 22899.

Effective July 2021
Meets Primary Coverage Criteria Or Is Covered For Contracts Without Primary Coverage Criteria
Use of the vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib for the treatment of progressive thoracic insufficiency syndrome due to rib and/or chest wall defects in infants/children between 6 months of age and skeletal maturity meets member benefit certificate primary coverage criteria that there be scientific evidence of effectiveness.
Skeletal maturity occurs at about age 14 for girls and age 16 for boys
Does Not Meet Primary Coverage Criteria Or Is Investigational For Contracts Without Primary Coverage Criteria
Use of the vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib for all other conditions, including but not limited to the treatment of scoliosis in patients without thoracic insufficiency, does not meet member benefit certificate primary coverage criteria that there be scientific evidence of effectiveness.
For members with contracts without primary coverage criteria, use of the vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib for all other conditions, including but not limited to the treatment of scoliosis in patients without thoracic insufficiency, is considered investigational. Investigational services are specific contract exclusions in most member benefit certificates of coverage.
Effective Prior to July 2021
Use of the vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib meets primary coverage criteria for the treatment of progressive thoracic insufficiency syndrome due to rib and/or chest wall defects in infants/children between 6 months of age and skeletal maturity.  
For contracts without primary coverage criteria language, use of the vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib is considered medically necessary for the treatment of progressive thoracic insufficiency syndrome due to rib and/or chest wall defects in infants/children between 6 months of age and skeletal maturity.  
Skeletal maturity occurs at about age 14 for girls and age 16 for boys.

Information from the FDA Web site reports results of an initial feasibility study involving 33 patients and a subsequent prospective study of 224 patients (214 with baseline data) at 7 study sites.  Of these patients, 94 had rib fusion, 93 had hypoplastic thoracic syndrome, 46 had progressive scoliosis, and 14 had flail chest as a cause of their thoracic insufficiency syndrome (TIS). Three- and 5-year follow-up rates for the multicenter study were approximately 95%. Of the 247 patients enrolled in either study, 12 patients died (4.8%) and 2 withdrew. None of the deaths was determined by investigators to be device related. Since standard pulmonary function testing was not possible for most of this population, an assisted ventilatory rating (AVR) was used to assess impact on respiratory status. The AVR ranged from 0 for unassisted breathing on room air to 4 for full-time ventilatory support. In the multicenter prospective study, the AVR outcome improved or stabilized for 93% of the patients. Data were not reported for the number of patients who were no longer ventilator dependent.
Several studies using this device have also been reported in the literature. One study is from Campbell, the developer of the device, (2004) and others who report its use in specialized pediatric centers (Emans, 2005; Motoyama, 2006).
Campbell and colleagues reported on 27 patients who had surgery for TIS and for whom at least 2 years of follow-up data were available; this series was based on 41 patients treated between 1990 and the acceptance of the paper. (2004)  Entry criteria for this study were acceptance by pediatric general surgeon, pediatric pulmonologist, and pediatric orthopedist; age 6 months to skeletal maturity; progressive thoracic insufficiency syndrome; more than 10% reduction in height of the concave hemithorax; and 3 or more anomalous vertebrae, with 3 or more fused ribs at the apex of the deformity. Patients were followed up for an average of 3.2 (2–12) years. Prior to surgery, the mean annual rate of progression was 15 degrees per year (range 2–50). Following surgery the Cobb angle (of scoliosis) improved from 74 degrees to a final value of 49 degrees. Spine growth was at the rate of 0.8 cm per year. (Normal spinal growth is 0.6 cm/year for ages 5–10 years.) The final forced vital capacity (FVC) was 49% of predicted value in the 19 children who could complete pulmonary function tests (PFTs). Preoperatively, 1 patient required continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and 1 needed supplemental oxygen for ventilatory support at final follow-up.
Emans and colleagues reported results on patients with TIS who underwent the procedure at Children’s Hospital in Boston from 1999 to 2005. (2005)  Thirty-one patients with fused ribs and TIS were treated; 4 patients had prior spinal arthrodesis with continued progression of deformity. Before surgery, all patients showed progressive spinal deformity, progressive chest deformity, or progressive hemithoracic constriction. The mean age was 4.2 years, and mean follow-up was 2.6 years (range 0.5 to 5.4). A 3-member team selected patients for surgery; cardiac function was also evaluated preoperatively. Surgery was performed using the Campbell technique for VEPTR. Device lengthening was planned for every 4 to 6 months, but often was longer due to intercurrent illness or difficulty with travel. The mean number of device lengthenings was 3.5 (range 0–10). Six patients had device exchanges for growth. In 30 patients, the spinal deformity was controlled and growth continued (1.2 cm/yr) in the thoracic spine during treatment at rates similar to normal children. In this study the final FVC was 73.5% of predicted levels. Pre-procedure, 2 patients were on ventilators and 3 patients required oxygen; at final follow-up, 1 patient required oxygen. Lung volume (measured by CT scan in cubic-cm) in the operated lung increased from 157 pre-operatively to 326 at the final follow-up visit.
Motoyama and colleagues from Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh reported on follow-up of 10 patients with thoracic insufficiency with follow-up as long as 33 months. (2006)  Using a special portable pulmonary function testing device, they reported on lung function in 10 children who had placement of VEPTR. In this population, the median age was 4.3 years (range 1.8–9.8 years) at first test and they followed patients an average of 22 months (range 7–33 months) At baseline, FVC showed a moderate-to-severe decrease (69% of predicted), indicating the presence of significant restrictive lung defect. FVC increased significantly over time, with an average rate of 26.8% per year, similar to that of healthy children of comparative ages. In terms of percent-predicted values, FVC did not change significantly between the baseline and last test (70.3%), indicating that in most children studied, lung growth kept up with body growth.
The complications that occur with this device need to be considered by practitioners and families as they are discussing this procedure. Information on complications is summarized using data from the FDA review and the papers by Campbell and Emans. (2004, 2005)  About 25% of patients will experience device migration, including rib erosion. However, there does not seem to be significant long-term consequences from this. Approximately 10% of patients had infection-related complications. Brachial plexus injury or thoracic outlet syndrome occurred in 1% to 7% of these series. Skin sloughing was reported in 4 patients (15%) in the study published by Campbell.
No comparative trials have described the use of this device. Thoracic insufficiency occurs in a limited patient population; for example, the Boston center reported results on 31 children treated from 1999 to 2005. The natural history of progressive TIS is worsening pulmonary function and worsening pulmonary insufficiency.
Results from the series reported at different specialty centers demonstrate improvement and/or stabilization in key measures with use of this device in progressive TIS. This improvement is noted in measures related to thoracic structure (e.g., Cobb angle for those with scoliosis), growth of the thoracic spine and lung volumes, and stable or improved ventilatory status. While pulmonary function testing is very difficult in these patients, one study does demonstrate an age-specific increase in FVC and the studies report a final FVC in the range of 50%–70% of predicted value.
Given the usual disease course of worsening thoracic volume and ventilatory status, the stabilization/improvement in these measures would be highly unlikely in the absence of the intervention. Taken together, these various outcome measures demonstrate the positive impact of this procedure.
Thus, this intervention may be considered medically necessary in children with progressive thoracic insufficiency syndrome due to rib and/or chest wall defects. Given the complexity of this procedure and the patient population, use of this device should be performed in specialized centers. Preoperative evaluation requires input from a pediatric orthopedist, pulmonologist, and thoracic surgeon. In addition, preoperative evaluation of nutritional, cardiac, and pulmonary function (when possible) is required.
2008 Update
The policy was updated with a MEDLINE search through April 2008.  One additional series of 22 patients from another Children’s Hospital has been published. (Waldhausen, 2007).
2010 Update
The policy was updated with a literature search using MEDLINE through August 2010. None of the articles identified lead to a change in the policy statement. The publications are, in general, case series from single institutions. For example, one recent publication discusses weight gain following use of vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib in thoracic insufficiency syndrome (Skaggs, 2009) and another discusses early changes in pulmonary function (Mayer, 2009).
2012 Update
This policy is being updated with a literature search using the MEDLINE database. White et al. reported the off-label use of spine-to-spine VEPTR to treat spinal deformity in 14 children without chest wall abnormalities (White, 2011). The indications for the dual spine-to-spine rods were absence of a primary chest wall deformity, progression of spinal deformity to a Cobb angle of greater than 50 degrees, and migration of a previously placed proximal rib anchor or of a prior non-VEPTR growing rod to the point of loss of stable fixation. At final follow-up (24-48 months), there was an improvement in the Cobb angle from 74 to 57 degrees, an increase in T1-S1 height from 260 to 296 mm, and no significant change in kyphosis. Complications occurred in 6 of 14 patients (43%) and included 3 rod fractures in 2 patients, 3 superficial infections, and 1 case of prominent hardware that threatened skin integrity. As noted by the authors, while results are similar to those obtained with other growing rods, “the high complication rates, need for multiple procedures in growing children, and small relative gains in radiographic parameters still challenge proof of efficacy of all such treatment methods.”
A search of online site in March 2012found a multicenter trial of use of the vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib (VEPTR) in children with early onset scoliosis without rib abnormalities (NCT00689533). The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the use of unilateral or bilateral VEPTR devices, with or without expansion thoracoplasty, for preventing further progression of the angle, allowing for spinal growth and improving pulmonary function in the treatment of children (18 months to 10 years) with progressive scoliosis without rib abnormalities. The study is sponsored by the Shriners Hospitals for Children in association with the Chest Wall and Spine Deformity Research Foundation. The trial began in 2008 with an estimated enrollment of 250 patients. Final data collection is expected in 2012 for the primary outcome measure, with completion of the study (follow-up until completion of spinal growth) in 2016.
In summary, there is limited data available on the use of the VEPTR for early onset scoliosis without thoracic insufficiency. The policy has been changed to specify that VEPTR for this condition does not meet primary coverage criteria and is considered investigational.
2013 Update
A literature search conducted through June 2013 did not reveal any new information that would prompt a change in the coverage statement.
2014 Update
A literature search conducted through June 2014 did not reveal any new information that would prompt a change in the coverage statement. The key identified literature is summarized below.
Campbell, the developer of the device, et al reported on 27 patients who had surgery for TIS and for whom at least 2 years of follow-up data were available; this series was based on 41 patients treated between 1990 and the acceptance of the paper.(4) Entry criteria for this study were acceptance by pediatric general surgeon, pediatric pulmonologist, and pediatric orthopedist; age 6 months to skeletal maturity; progressive TIS; more than 10% reduction in height of the concave hemithorax; and 3 or more anomalous vertebrae, with 3 or more fused ribs at the apex of the deformity. Patients were followed up for an average of 3.2 (range, 2-12) years. Before surgery, the mean annual rate of progression was 15° per year (range, 2-50 years). Following surgery, the Cobb angle (of scoliosis) improved from 74° to a final value of 49°. Spine growth was at the rate of 0.8 cm per year. (Normal spinal growth is 0.6 cm/year for ages 5 to 10 years.) The final forced vital capacity (FVC) was 49% of predicted value in the 19 children who could complete pulmonary function tests. Preoperatively, 1 patient required continuous positive airway pressure, and 1 needed supplemental oxygen for ventilatory support at final follow-up. Another publication from this group reported average 40.7-month follow-up (range, 25-78 months) in 24 children with nonsyndromic congenital scoliosis.(5) Twenty-three (95.8%) children had associated rib fusions, and the average age at surgery was 3.3 years (range, 0.7-12.5). With a mean of 5 expansion surgeries per patient (range, 1-10), the Cobb angle had improved by a mean of 8.9° and thoracic height improved by a mean of 3.41 cm. Eight of the patients (33%) had a total of 16 adverse events, all of which required surgical intervention.
2015 Update
A literature search conducted through May 2015 did not reveal any new information that would prompt a change in the coverage statement.  The key identified literature is summarized below.
In 2014, treatment of congenital scoliosis with VEPTR (n=22) was compared with treatment with spinal fusion (n=27) or observation (n=184) based on a prospective registry (Farley, 2014).  Function, pain, and mental health status were measured with the Scoliosis Research Society (SRS-22) questionnaire. Compared with the observation group, the VEPTR group had higher total and image scores in the second and third visits and higher function scores between the third and fourth visits. Interpretation of this study is limited due to a number of confounding factors, including age at treatment, unknown comorbidities, and the rationale for the selection of treatment.
2017 Update
A literature search conducted through June 2017 did not reveal any new information that would prompt a change in the coverage statement.  
2018 Update
A literature search was conducted through June 2018.  There was no new information identified that would prompt a change in the coverage statement.
2019 Update
A literature search was conducted through June 2019.  There was no new information identified that would prompt a change in the coverage statement.
2020 Update
A literature search was conducted through June 2020.  There was no new information identified that would prompt a change in the coverage statement.  
2021 Update
Annual policy review completed with a literature search using the MEDLINE database through June 2021. No new literature was identified that would prompt a change in the coverage statement. The key identified literature is summarized below.
An uncontrolled cohort study conducted by El-Hawary et al enrolled 63 children (mean age 6.1 years) with early-onset scoliosis measuring more than 45 degrees (mean 72 degrees) and no rib abnormalities or thoracic dysplasia (El-Hawary, 2017). Outcomes of interest were change in major and secondary scoliosis curves and spinal growth, based on change in coronal spine height and sagittal spine length. After 2.2 years follow-up, the mean major scoliosis curve was reduced from 72 to 57 degrees (p<0.0001), while the secondary scoliosis curve was reduced from 42.8 to 39.6 degrees (p=0.009). Results were similar for the change from baseline in coronal spine height (p<0.0001) and sagittal spine length (p<0.0001). Seventy-nine percent (42/65) of patients were deemed to have treatment success, based on a composite outcome that included controlling the major scoliosis curve and improving the coronal spine height. Nearly half of the patients (49%; 31/65) had an adverse event associated with vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib surgery, including 15 instances of device migration.
Longer follow-up of the cohort was subsequently reported by El-Hawary et al (El-Hawary, 2020). Data were available for 59 patients (mean age 6.1 years) at a mean 6.9 years follow-up. At follow-up, the vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib was in place in 24 patients. Among the other patients, 3 had the prosthetic rib removed, 11 converted to other devices, and 13 had undergone definitive fusion. Two patients had died and 6 were lost to follow-up. At final follow-up, the mean major scoliosis curve was 61 degrees (p<0.001 vs. baseline), while secondary scoliosis curve regressed to nearly baseline (42 degrees; p=0.54 vs. baseline). Coronal spine height (p<0.001) and sagittal spine length (p<0.001) remained significantly improved from baseline. Results were similar in a subset of 29 patients that had the vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib in place for over 5 years. At 5-years follow-up, there were 24 instances of device migration and 1 device-related Grade 3 adverse event occurred; 2 deaths were deemed not treatment-related.
2022 Update
Annual policy review completed with a literature search using the MEDLINE database through June 2022. No new literature was identified that would prompt a change in the coverage statement.
2023 Update
Annual policy review completed with a literature search using the MEDLINE database through June 2023. No new literature was identified that would prompt a change in the coverage statement.
2024 Update
Annual policy review completed with a literature search using the MEDLINE database through April 2024. No new literature was identified that would prompt a change in the coverage statement.

22899Unlisted procedure, spine

References: Campbell RM Jr, Smith MD, et al.(2004) The effects of opening wedge thoracostomy on thoracic insufficiency syndrome associated with fused ribs and congenital scoliosis. J Bone Joint Surg AM, 2004; 86-A:1659-74.

Campbell RM, Hayes MD, Mayes TC, et al.(2003) The characteristics of thoracic insufficiency syndrome associated with fused ribs and congenital scoliosis. J Bone & Jt Surgery Am 2003; 85-A:399-408.

Campbell RM, Hell-Vocke AK.(2003) Growth of the thoracic spine in congenital scoliosis after expansion thoracoplasty. J Bone & Jt Surgery Am 2003; 85-A:409-420.

El-Hawary R, Kadhim M, Vitale M, et al.(2017) VEPTR Implantation to Treat Children With Early-Onset Scoliosis Without Rib Abnormalities: Early Results From a Prospective Multicenter Study. J Pediatr Orthop. Dec 2017; 37(8): e599-e605. PMID 28141685

El-Hawary R, Morash K, Kadhim M, et al.(2020) VEPTR Treatment of Early Onset Scoliosis in Children Without Rib Abnormalities: Long-term Results of a Prospective, Multicenter Study. J Pediatr Orthop. Jul 2020; 40(6): e406-e412. PMID 32501900

Emans JB, Caubet JF, et al.(2005) The treatment of spine and chest wall deformities with fused ribs by expansion thoracostomy and insertion of vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib: growth of thoracic spine and improvement in lung volumes. Spine, 2005; 30 (17 suppl):558-68.

Farley FA, Li Y, Jong N, et al.(2014) Congenital scoliosis SRS-22 outcomes in children treated with observation, surgery, and VEPTR. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). Oct 15 2014;39(22):1868-1874. PMID 25099323

Flynn JM, Emans JB, Smith JT et al.(2013) VEPTR to treat nonsyndromic congenital scoliosis: a multicenter, mid-term follow-up study. J Pediatr Orthop 2013; 33(7):679-84.

Lewandrowski KU, Campbell Jr RM, Emans JB.(2003) Vertical rib expansion for thoracic insufficiency syndrome. Indications & technique.; 2003.

Mayer OH, Redding G.(2009) Early changes in pulmonary function after vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib insertion in children with thoracic insufficiency syndrome. J Pediatr Orthop 2009; 29(1):35-8.

Motoyama EK, Deeney VF, et al.(2006) Effects on lung function of multiple expansion thoracoplasty in children with thoracic insufficiency syndrome: a longitudinal study. Spine, 2006; 31:284-90.

Skaggs DL, Sankar WN, Albrektson J et al.(2009) Albrektson J et al. Weight gain following vertical expandable prosthetic titanium ribs surgery in children with thoracic insufficiency syndrome. Spine 2009; 34(23):2530-3.

The titanium rib project.; 2003.

Waldhausen JH, Redding G, White K, et al.(2016) Complications in using the vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib (VEPTR) in children. J Pediatr Surg. Nov 2016;51(11):1747-1750. PMID 27397045

Waldhausen JH, Redding GJ, Song KM.(2007) Verticle expandable prosthetic titanium rib for thoracic insufficiency syndrome: a new method to treat an old problem. J Pediatr Surg, 2007; 42:76-80.

White KK, Song KM, Frost N et al.(2011) VEPTR growing rods for early-onset neuromuscular scoliosis: feasible and effective. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2011; 469(5):1335-41.

Group specific policy will supersede this policy when applicable. This policy does not apply to the Wal-Mart Associates Group Health Plan participants or to the Tyson Group Health Plan participants.
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