Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Create a personalized directory

Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield knows you are unique, and your provider directory should be as individual as you are. By selecting a few options, you can create a personalized provider directory that includes only the doctors and facilities you want. You can even include additional information, like the doctors’ specialty, gender and languages. When you have made your selections, you can give your directory a customized title, print it, email it or save it on your computer.

The following is an example of the basic information that will be displayed on each provider/facility:

John Smith MD
123 One Way Street
Little Rock, AR 72205-6344
Phone: (501) 123-4567

Customize your personalized directory (3 Steps)
Step 1:Choose any of the following options to be included in your personalized directory:
 Provider #
 NPI #
 Hospital Affiliation(s)
Below is an example of what will be displayed with the provider number and specialty options selected:
John Smith MD
123 One Way Street
Little Rock, AR 72205-6344
Phone: (501) 123-4567
Family Medicine

Step 2:Create a customized title for your personalized directory, (my Medical Doctors) or leave this field blank for a standard cover.
Step 3:Print or save your personalized directory. The directory will be created in a portable Document Format *(PDF). You can print your directory or save it to your computer.